Together, we will create a healthier union between the mind and the body. We will pay close attention to what emerges, aiming to foster a deeper state of self-awareness that allows you to break free from the unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that may dominate your life.
Focus can be directed towards past experiences or developmental relationships that might have contributed to these beliefs and patterns of behaviour.
Being present with the emotions that surface when examining past or current interior states can enable them to be felt in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Giving voice to these feelings can expand self-awareness and help develop new ways of relating to ourselves and others, moving forward from unhelpful patterns.
Expressing your thoughts and emotions within the dynamic of a therapeutic relationship can provide the space to share your inner world with another human being who will not disempower or shame you, acknowledging the discomfort that is inherent in everyone's psyche.
“My experience with Dan has been a journey of discovery”